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The BrandSavants Brand Blog

August 2024

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Enculturation™: Living and Breathing the Brand from the Inside Out

Your company has done the work to determine your brand identity through the brand development process. You have staked out your area of distinction from the competition. You have planned diligently to align your brand strategy and your business strategy. Now what? Enculturation™. You’ve got all these great ideas and now, you have to put […]

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June 2024

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Brand Report Card

The definition of a brand is “A Claim of Distinction.” Without distinction, your company and products could be considered “Brand X” or “Generic” or worse, a commodity. Take this simple test to assess your brand’s distinction. Assign 3 points for “Yes,” 2 for “I don’t know,” and 1 for “No.” You have discovered what differentiates your […]

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April 2024

A single egg lit up among dozens of eggs in dark

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What a Brand Is Not

Those of us who specialize in brand development are grateful for the heightened awareness and discussion around the importance of brands which has occurred in recent years. However, we think it’s important to clarify a key point. Though obvious, there is a difference between branding and brand development. Branding comprises the tactics used to deliver […]

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February 2024

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Clever Taglines and Catchy Slogans Versus a Value Proclamation

How many times have you heard someone say, “That’s a catchy slogan?” Or, “That tagline is so clever?” Typically, what they are describing are the words located under a logo at the end of an ad. Or possibly what a voice-over communicates at the end of a commercial. The words may or may not be […]

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December 2023

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Brand Development: Defining Your Claim of Distinction

You’ve decided to apply for a job! What’s the first thing you do to prepare for a potential interview? You’d probably start by taking a look at yourself to determine what sets you apart from other candidates. That would include a review of your experience, your strengths and past success. You then use that self-assessment […]

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October 2023

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Brand Is Your Shot for the Lead

Great brands continue to thrive for years after their introductions. Others don’t. The great ones control their categories. They set examples for others to try to mimic. Brands like Hallmark, Nike, Michelin, Southwest Airlines and Mercedes are emblematic of great brands. Blockbuster, Pan Am, Circuit City and Oldsmobile represent the fallen. So why are there […]

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September 2023

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Time to Brush Up Your Brand? 11 Unmistakable Clues You Might Be Ready for a Brand Refresh

With the visibility the topic of branding receives today, you may be starting to think more about your own brand. Are you growing your brand? Is it working for you? Is it time to invest in a round of brand development or consider a brand refresh? Well hold on: A full-on brand development or brand refresh […]

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July 2023

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Brand the Bigger Brand

A question I am often asked is, “Should we brand our products or our company?”  And I most often reply, “The company.”  That’s not to say there’s never a reason to brand products, but I nearly always suggest the company. Here’s why. It’s the bigger brand. You see, when we begin the brand building process, […]

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May 2023

woman checking the alignment of a row of cups like one should check for business strategy and brand strategy alignment

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Sales a Little Wobbly? Check the Business Strategy and Brand Strategy Alignment

I was talking to a group of small agency principals recently. I asked how many knew their largest client’s business strategy. Fewer than five of the 50 or so in attendance raised their hands. That didn’t surprise me.Remember, a brand is a promise and the corporate strategy should be to fulfill that promise. Too often, […]

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